Sunday, October 28, 2012

Days 3 thru 8 of Tiny BJD Photo Challenge

Here's an update of the photos I took for days 3 thru 8:

3/31 With Her Toy
4/31 Eating
5/31 Outside
6/31 Making Something
7/31 Computer
8/31 Reading

Columbus Doll & Bear Show and Spoilin's

Today was the Columbus Doll & Bear show up in Columbus, Ohio and I finally got to go after 2 years of wanting to!  Every time it's come around something has come up and I wasn't able to make it, but today, despite cloudy and then rainy weather, I made the 2 hour drive up there and was able to enjoy it.  There were hundreds if not thousands of dolls and their accessories of all sorts for sale.  There was also a group of BJD collectors from all over Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky there as well and we took over a corner of the sales room. 

There were so many dolls on the table in our corner by the time we arrived that there wasn't room for ours, so we made a little display on the floor.

I also got to do some shopping and Kess & Nell got spoiled!
Kess got a new tea set and dresser and Nell got a pair of shoes and a teddy bear.
All in all, it was a fun day spent with good doll friends enjoying the things we like :0) 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Day 2 of 31 Day Tiny BJD Photo Challenge...

Okay, so my original plan was to just post a collage of 5 photos per week for this challenge here, but I had so much fun with today's theme I can't help but post a couple of the photos I took.  Here's Day2:  With an Animal.


Sunday, October 21, 2012

31 Day Tiny BJD Photo Challenge.

So, I've been wanting to do one of those photo challenge things on Flickr lately just to get into the habit of getting my camera out for more than listing photos and to be more creative with my photo taking.  I was invited to join a Flickr group called 31 Day Tiny BJD Photo Challenge and thought this was exactly what I've been waiting for! 

Basically, we're given a list of 'themes' for each of the 31 days that we're a part of this challenge.  Most folks seem to be choosing a particular doll to feature in these photos so I've decided that Neely could use some extra camera time.  A tiny BJD is a BJD that is 26cm or 10.2 inches and under.  Neely is 15.5cm or 6.1 inches tall.

 So without any further delay, here's Day 1/31: In Her Bed

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Commissions and Challenges

So lately I've had a few commissions from some customers from my Etsy shop.  I find commissions fun and challenging because they get my creative juices flowing and problem solving skills a work out.  Last week, I had a customer ask for a pair of MSD Jammies I already had available BUT done in a pale blue fabric.  The challenge: Find a suitable pale blue fabric in the right scale for this size doll that would work for jammies! This meant going to a couple of different fabric stores hunting down just the right fabric.  Here's the result of that commission:

I need to make Kess this set too- it looks so good on her!
Next challenge: Make Yo-SD sized boxer shorts for a boy.  Now, I've made boxer shorts for Pukifees and MiniFees, but none in Yo-SD or LittleFee size because I don't have a LittleFee boy- yet!  I wanted to do something a little different than I had for the other two sizes, so back to the fabric stores I went.  This is the result:
My favorite has to be the Avengers Boxers!  :0)  Poor Nell!  She had to pretend to be a boy for these photos!
Another commission this week was for Yo-SD boy and girl pajamas.  This meant - you guessed it!- another trip to the fabric store!  This time for flannel fabric.  Here are the results:

Nell in a flannel nightgown for Yo-SD/LTF sized BJD's.  She gets to keep this one :0).
 A bald Nell pretending to be a boy so I could photograph the boy pajamas.  Made with the Avengers fabric as per my customer's request.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Great Finds!

So yesterday my daughter Valerie wanted to go to the local Goodwill to look around.  Saturday is usually a zoo at Goodwill because they have everything 50% off, but if you don't mind standing in line for a while to check out or a crowded store, then it's well worth it.  I hit the jackpot yesterday!

Our Goodwill has a little gift shop that's separate from the Goodwill itself and it has mostly new gift items in it.  Amongst their items for sale, they have miniature instruments and most of them are music boxes.  I decided that Julian, my Minifee Shiwoo, needs to play the violin.  They had several; a couple of music box types which were too big, and a few that were actually Christmas ornaments. I decided to get one of the Christmas ornaments but it didn't come with a bow.  So, last night I set to making a bow out of Polymer Clay, wire and silver thread.  It came out well I think.  Here's Julian playing his new violin.

After purchasing the violin, I went back to the Goodwill's household section while Valerie looked through the clothing.  I've been looking for one of those compartmented wooden shelves to display my Mini & Micro Lalaloopsy collection in for months now and I finally stumbled on one!  And since everything was 50% off, I only paid $2.00 for it!  Awesome find!

 It needed a polishing, but it's just perfect for these little gals and guys to hang out in.  Now I just need to paint my workroom so I can hang this shelf up and they can be displayed properly instead of in their plastic container. :0/

Friday, October 12, 2012


So, I need to do some backtracking.  It seems that I got the order of arrivals mixed up when it comes to Neely and Thistledown.  Who is Thistledown? you ask.  Well, Thistle was a little girl who came to live me for a brief time before Neely arrived- the product of the need for a new doll while enduring the 10 week wait for Fairyland to ship Neely to me! 

Thistledown is a Tiny Mina by Sleeping Elf on Etsy.  Carrie Atwood is the artist who designs and sculpts these delicate bjd's and has Bobobie/ResinSoul cast them for her.  She is located in the UK and is very happy to work with her customers. 

I wanted a tiny fairy like doll and The Sleeping Elf Tiny Mina fit the bill.  I purchased her from Carrie's Etsy shop and she was home in no time.  Of course by then I already had Eswyn, my ResinSoul Mei, and Kaili, my Fairyland Ante, waiting for her.  Thistle turned out to be smaller than Kaili in many ways.  She was very slim and MUCH more delicate compared to Kaili.  I've always liked the look of the more delicate doll but have found over the course of time and a few dolls later, that I really like solid feeling dolls.

Thistle on the day of her arrival December 1, 2009.  So tiny in my hand!
Thistle stayed with us for a little while and she and Kaili had some fun together, but I really couldn't make myself love her the way I wanted to so she decided she wanted to travel to a new home. 
Here are some photos of the adventures she had with us:

Eswyn reading to Thistle and Kaili.
Christmas of 2009 Mendokusai of DOA had a photo contest and this was my entry.  I won First Place! :0)
I made Thistle a lantern house. Here you can see how much bigger Kaili is than Thistle.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Trip Down Memory Lane...

This evening I decided to move some photos from one photo storage site to our external drive and I got caught in a trip down Memory Lane.  Specifically, my Fairyland Ante Twins.  I've had a lot of fun with these two, especially when they first arrived.  They haven't seen too much camera time since I got my Minifees and I do miss them.  I really need to spend some time with these two and come up with some new photostories...  Kaily & Neely had a way of getting into mischief with not very much effort! ;0)

Kaili is the oldest of the two and is a Fairyland Basic or Red Hat Ante in White Skin.  She was my second BJD and arrived on October 14th, 2009.  She was my very first experience with Fairyland and started my love affair with their dolls.  Her resin was paper white and so smooth, she posed wonderfully and felt very solid right out of the box.

Kaili on her "birthday".
She was soon asking for a sister, but before I got Neely I had another arrival from another company that I'll talk about in another post.  Neely arrived three months later on January 28th. 2010.  That's when the trouble started.  Neely, being the younger and more curious of the twins, got into all kinds of mischief which Kaili felt the need to try and prevent but never quite could.  Neely is a Fairyland Sweetbunny Fullset in White Skin.  I got the fullset mostly for the wig and because their faceups are just a little different in the color scheme. 
Kaili & Neely on Neely's "birthday".
If you'd like to see their adventures check them out here:
I think it's about time I come up with a new photstory for them.... :0)