Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Trip Down Memory Lane...

This evening I decided to move some photos from one photo storage site to our external drive and I got caught in a trip down Memory Lane.  Specifically, my Fairyland Ante Twins.  I've had a lot of fun with these two, especially when they first arrived.  They haven't seen too much camera time since I got my Minifees and I do miss them.  I really need to spend some time with these two and come up with some new photostories...  Kaily & Neely had a way of getting into mischief with not very much effort! ;0)

Kaili is the oldest of the two and is a Fairyland Basic or Red Hat Ante in White Skin.  She was my second BJD and arrived on October 14th, 2009.  She was my very first experience with Fairyland and started my love affair with their dolls.  Her resin was paper white and so smooth, she posed wonderfully and felt very solid right out of the box.

Kaili on her "birthday".
She was soon asking for a sister, but before I got Neely I had another arrival from another company that I'll talk about in another post.  Neely arrived three months later on January 28th. 2010.  That's when the trouble started.  Neely, being the younger and more curious of the twins, got into all kinds of mischief which Kaili felt the need to try and prevent but never quite could.  Neely is a Fairyland Sweetbunny Fullset in White Skin.  I got the fullset mostly for the wig and because their faceups are just a little different in the color scheme. 
Kaili & Neely on Neely's "birthday".
If you'd like to see their adventures check them out here:
I think it's about time I come up with a new photstory for them.... :0)


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