Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Commissions and Challenges

So lately I've had a few commissions from some customers from my Etsy shop.  I find commissions fun and challenging because they get my creative juices flowing and problem solving skills a work out.  Last week, I had a customer ask for a pair of MSD Jammies I already had available BUT done in a pale blue fabric.  The challenge: Find a suitable pale blue fabric in the right scale for this size doll that would work for jammies! This meant going to a couple of different fabric stores hunting down just the right fabric.  Here's the result of that commission:

I need to make Kess this set too- it looks so good on her!
Next challenge: Make Yo-SD sized boxer shorts for a boy.  Now, I've made boxer shorts for Pukifees and MiniFees, but none in Yo-SD or LittleFee size because I don't have a LittleFee boy- yet!  I wanted to do something a little different than I had for the other two sizes, so back to the fabric stores I went.  This is the result:
My favorite has to be the Avengers Boxers!  :0)  Poor Nell!  She had to pretend to be a boy for these photos!
Another commission this week was for Yo-SD boy and girl pajamas.  This meant - you guessed it!- another trip to the fabric store!  This time for flannel fabric.  Here are the results:

Nell in a flannel nightgown for Yo-SD/LTF sized BJD's.  She gets to keep this one :0).
 A bald Nell pretending to be a boy so I could photograph the boy pajamas.  Made with the Avengers fabric as per my customer's request.

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